Is it advisable to travel to another city to get the Asd closure done and has anyone done this before?

I am considering traveling to maybe Cleveland clinic or Mayo clinic because I think they handle these procedures a lot. I am in Texas and can’t find a single person that has this as an adult.

I had mine done at a Heart Institute that is 2 hours away from where I live. The distance was nothing compared to the excellent care and how spotless the place was. No regrets. If you feel more confident in doing it at a place that's further I say go for it. The less stress possible.

Well i currently reside in Texas and i am scheduled to see a Dr at the Cleveland Clinic, thats quite a distance but i think its all worth it in the end

Syl said:

I had mine done at a Heart Institute that is 2 hours away from where I live. The distance was nothing compared to the excellent care and how spotless the place was. No regrets. If you feel more confident in doing it at a place that's further I say go for it. The less stress possible.