
Okay lets start here…

When did you develop dyspnea pre or post device?

What kind of asd did you have?

Any other congenital issues?

Was pulmonary hypertension ruled out?

I developed dyspenea before device implanted.Mine is secundum ASD.Yes pulmonary hypertension detected.No other congenital issues.I am losing control of myself now.I can’t stand on my feet.I am afraid now how can i continue my service.

Okay… you have pulmonary hypertension… did you have eisenmenger?

When your shunt start to go right to left bc of such high pressures

eisenmenger! no.Everything is figured out just two three weeks ago. Doctors are not interested to know when the shunt start.

So, the shunt had to be there from birth.

Simply put asd is congenital.

How old are you?

Also it takes time to remodel has anyone put you on a calcium channel blocker low dose viagra to help with the dyspnea for now?

Yes. I am 33 years old.I was given Tadalafil 5 mg and Calcium channel blocker.But the new doctor who implanted this device just give Tadalafil 5 mg and beta blocker.But now i think that calcium channel blocker worked good.I am thinking to take these medication in high dose.

I would try viagra it’s more potent.

Yes I also think so.I double the dose from 5 mg to 10 mg.It works better.The optimum dose is 20 mg to 40 mg.But doctors gave me just 5 mg.I don’t know why!

What was you pap?

PAP?don’t understand?

Pulmonary artery pressure

When they first messure PAP was 36.They said it was mild.

Did they do the right heart cath measurement with exercise?

No they did not.

Well I think you need to see a pulmonary hypertension specialist…

Most prob with the asd closing your pressures will stabilize back beneath 30 mmhg but I think you need a rhc with exercise to get a good read of your hemodynamics.

What state are you in?

Before ASD device closure I have high blood pressure.But it is now below the normal level even without medication.I live in Bangladesh and The health system is not that good.We have chest specialist but not pulmonery hypertension specialist.Are u a doctor? I think u know bettet than a doctor.Is it not good that my blood pressure become low or in normal level?

Okay if sounds to me like your pap was more elevated than their reading… especially during exertion.

So that would mean that your shunt was not just l to r but more likely r to l as well.

So let’s start here…

  1. When you are sitting at rest what is you systemic blood pressure ( the bp you measure around your arm)?

  2. Do you get worse with exertion?

  3. Is their any position that makes it worse or better?

Yes it gets worst during exertion. I feel better when i am in completely take rest or lie down.My blood pressure is now 110/70.

What was it before?

It was 90/130 with medications and without medication it was 100/140