Hello, my name is Nichole and I'm 37. I found that I had an ASD at a very young age, but they were sure it would close on its own. Annual testing done and by the time I was 12, they didn't find any evidence of ASD or murmur. Apologies, this will probably be long.
Fast forward to my early 30s, I began having some shortness of breath, skipped beats and palps. I was referred to a cardiologist and I told him my history and he suggested an echo to possibly look for an ASD. He thought he may have seen one, so he then scheduled a TEE. Indeed he found a 0.5 cm ASD with a mildly dilated left atrium and a bit of shunting.
Due to extreme anxiety about the situation (and major anxiety in general) ,it took me 2 years to follow up for a 2nd opinion at an other cardio. He gave me an echo, holter monitor and numerous EKGs. According to the notes on the echo, he did not see an ASD, but he did see an atrial septal aneurysm after a bubble study. No right heart enlargement or any sort of enlargement noted. Some shunting noted.
Sorry, I hate to say I didn't like the previous doc too much, so I visited a cardio that specialized in ASD closures for a 3rd opinion (Great thing about living in a large city!). He didn't test me, but looked over my previous testing and history and assured me that he did not think that the defect was large enough to be affecting me at all and that it could possibly be my anxiety. What prompted me to visit, is that I have my first SVT attack. Very scary and heart beat was approaching 200 bpm and sometimes over which I went to the ER for and was converted. Was wondering if it was related to my little ASD.
He then explained to me that ASD was more of a heart "plumbing" issue while an SVT is more of an "electrical" issue. Which prompted me to again see another cardio - an electrophysiologist. He gave me some calcium channel blockers to use only if I went into SVT again. Well 1/2/15 I did again, and it took me an hour to convert and I STILL feel horrible from it. A fullness in the left side of my chest and trouble breathing. I visited the EP again and he took an EKG and put me on beta blockers to take every day, since I do suffer from tachy from anxiety anyway.
The thing is, I felt totally in control before this last attack (The first and 2nd were 6 months apart). I was wondering if anyone had ill effects from not having a small ASD not repaired? Also has anyone experienced SVT with ASD?
Thanks for any insight, this is taking such a toll on me mentally and emotionally. Also, I google things too much :D