No diagnosis yet but think it's ASD

@Lead.Intern I had my 6-month follow up today. Good news! My echo looks good, everything in the right place. Right atrium is getting smaller (not normal yet but going in the right direction). PVC/PAC abating. Still present and I can feel them every day but apparently this will continue to get better over time. Blood pressure and oxygen look good. He says that he would like to see me next year but otherwise just get back to normal life.

The only thing Dr. Aboulhosen told me to avoid was very heavy weightlifting. He says it is possible that my device may become damaged if my systolic pressure goes too high. Everything else is completely fine :smiley:

What an adventure. I hope my story helps someone who is in the same position I was in 8 months ago. It’s scary to find out you have a serious heart condition in your mid-30s.

For some more discussion I have another topic I was writing on here:

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