I had cath closure of large ASD almost one month ago. The bubble echo done prior to discharge showed device was in place but some bubbles were still visible so felt it would just take some time for complete closure to occur. I felt pretty good for a week with a huge reduction in palpitations and what I felt was a real increase in energy. One week after closure I had an episode of coughing from air freshener exposure. Guess someone didn’t see me. I noticed an increase in palpitations and lots of flashing lights in peripheral vision. The lights stopped the next day and palpitations have been sporadic since. Repeat bubble last week showed device in place but no closure yet possibly due to my being on coumadin.I still worry since echo tech asked if I was advised what would happen if device came out of place. I have severe right heart enlargement,stage 1 pulmonary hypertension and severe tricuspid regurgitation. Hoping all would improve after closure but realize it took 62 years for this amt of damage to occur and it would take some time to improve. Last April I experienced multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli and after months of diagnostics the large ASD was discovered. I realize it hasn’t been a month since I had the device placed but knowing some folks feel improved right after I can’t help but worry. I also started diuretics last week due to some weight gain and appearance of fluid on echo. I am thinking the weight is due to unbelievably delicious Christmas cookies. Also learned my cardiac output is decreased which is why the MD who discharged me said to take it easy as my heart " wasn’t too good". Obviously I have to get my test results so I can get a better understanding of diagnosis and prognosis . Things moved so quickly after the rt cardiac cath, TEE and pulmonary angiogram that my listening skills weren’t quite optimal. Anyone else out there who were slow to heal with abnormal bubble echos after closure? Am scheduled for another end of Jan. Sorry for this long post. Happy New Year.
I have to go for ASD closure. I'm frightened, have no symptoms
If you are having closure via cath it is not a big deal and in experienced hands pretty darn safe.i saw my internist today who agreed my healing will be slow due to the coumadin. You are very fortunate not to have symptoms yet. I had been complaining to my prior MD for years about palpitations and fatigue. If the ASD had been discovered and closed way back when my symptoms started I might not have the heart enlargement, pulmonary hypertension and tricuspid regurg and probably would not have had the life threatening clots in lung. Please make sure you get a second opinion by someone experienced in treating adult congenital heart problems if you are not comfortable with the recommendation to have closure. With the problems I was having closure seemed to be my only option if I wanted to have quality of life. Unlike you I was getting very winded walking up a flight of stairs or up a slight incline and working long hours was becoming a problem too. The physicians following me after the clots in my lung didn’t have the sense of urgency or confidence about closure. They were at a teaching facility with a good reputation. For me the decision was easy but if I wasn’t having symptoms I would naturally have many questions. You have to understand your options and agree with the course if action and then I believe your fear will diminish. I really looked forward to getting it done. I spent just one night in the hospital and had minimal limitations for a week. The worse part for me was getting the IV in because my veins are tiny. I was groggy but awake during procedure and it really was painless. Good Luck. I felt pretty good today and I hope each day will be a bit better. We are actually pretty lucky to have something that can be treated. Hoping 2014 will be your year to get strong. Curious if you are not having symptoms what prompted your MD to run tests leading to diagnosis. ASD is missed quite often.
I have a good Dr. pediatric cardiologist. I have a full plate, lost my mom and no job. I can get symtoms
This reply is for Sallie.
What type of device did they use? I had a Gore Helex put in about 2 years ago. I am now 59. I never had bubbles. Every echo has been fine. My heart has improved. I had 3 ablations for beat problems like AFib, VT, some other type of extra beats caused by the ASD I do feel better than I did before it was fixed. Mine has been a life of trying to find out why I feel so bad and no one paying any attention after the first blood tests and they did not find anything.
Sorry I can not help you, maybe someone else will write. Have you cut out salt? You should do that.
Good luck. Happy New Year
didn't have it done yet using a seplar umbrella device
Sallie said:
If you are having closure via cath it is not a big deal and in experienced hands pretty darn safe.i saw my internist today who agreed my healing will be slow due to the coumadin. You are very fortunate not to have symptoms yet. I had been complaining to my prior MD for years about palpitations and fatigue. If the ASD had been discovered and closed way back when my symptoms started I might not have the heart enlargement, pulmonary hypertension and tricuspid regurg and probably would not have had the life threatening clots in lung. Please make sure you get a second opinion by someone experienced in treating adult congenital heart problems if you are not comfortable with the recommendation to have closure. With the problems I was having closure seemed to be my only option if I wanted to have quality of life. Unlike you I was getting very winded walking up a flight of stairs or up a slight incline and working long hours was becoming a problem too. The physicians following me after the clots in my lung didn't have the sense of urgency or confidence about closure. They were at a teaching facility with a good reputation. For me the decision was easy but if I wasn't having symptoms I would naturally have many questions. You have to understand your options and agree with the course if action and then I believe your fear will diminish. I really looked forward to getting it done. I spent just one night in the hospital and had minimal limitations for a week. The worse part for me was getting the IV in because my veins are tiny. I was groggy but awake during procedure and it really was painless. Good Luck. I felt pretty good today and I hope each day will be a bit better. We are actually pretty lucky to have something that can be treated. Hoping 2014 will be your year to get strong. Curious if you are not having symptoms what prompted your MD to run tests leading to diagnosis. ASD is missed quite often.
i am waiting on a asd closesure i am terrfied ,i have right sided heart failure
and i am on 40mg furosemide a day at the moment i have know quality of life i just hope with the closesure of the asd make
a difference to my qualityof life linda scotland
As said the closure was not bad. I was awake and it was fast and it was a good doctor. I have had no problems with the closure and if my ASD had been found and fixed sooner I would not have had to have all the ablations I have had.
Good Luck
Thank you for your post Sallie.
My ASD closure is coming up this year. I really hope I can return to the activities I enjoyed so much before the rapid decline of my health. Thank you everyone for your posts they are very informative and helpful. Happy new year and all the best.
wally said:
Thank you for your post Sallie.
My ASD closure is coming up this year. I really hope I can return to the activities I enjoyed so much before the rapid decline of my health. Thank you everyone for your posts they are very informative and helpful. Happy new year and all the best.
i have a asd closure coming up this year i am on a 18 week waiting list have been since october last year
fed up feeling crap and depressed all the time cannot wait to get back to some sort of normality ,not used to other people doing things for me i am very independent miss my long walks with my dogs. linda
Hi. It’s been ten months since my ASD. I know we are all different, regarding our recovery, but Initially, after my ASD, I was still short of breath. I also experienced zigzag lines and bright lights in my peripheral vision, by the second month these symptoms faded. Have faith, and allow time to heal.
Hi Sunflower and everyone I had open heart surgery to close my large ASD. The doctors wanted to close by rhc but my hole was too large. My operation was almost 15 months ago. It has been a very rough year! I continue to have lots of pain and low energy. My quality of life pretty much sucks! I am hopeful this gets better. Do others have trouble sleeping? I often wake up in the middle of the night. Sighs!
Sunflower said:
Hi. It's been ten months since my ASD. I know we are all different, regarding our recovery, but Initially, after my ASD, I was still short of breath. I also experienced zigzag lines and bright lights in my peripheral vision, by the second month these symptoms faded. Have faith, and allow time to heal.
they tryed closing my asd 6weeks ago through the the grion but it did not work so i am , now needing open heart surgery i am see my surgeon on the 18th of this month to discuss the operation i am terrfied will let you know how i get on linda x
I am seeing another cardiologist this tues although I should just get my records to the Cleveland Clinic even though they are 10 hours away. So much of what I read after the failed closure suggests that with the significant tricuspid regurgitation and stage 1 pulmonary hypertension closure is ill advised. I sure don’t feel any improvement but seems my palpitations are diminished. Maybe it has started to close a bit. I really needed a break from all the MD appts and tests. My veins were tired out and being on coumadin arms were really bruised. Will let you know the plan. The pulmonary hypertension cardiologist said I would need OHS at which time the tricuspid valve would be repaired. I heard the gore helix devise could be removed by cath if tissue had not grown over. Worried it is getting past that point . Can’t see why it should be there if it didn’t close ASD and if closure was ill advised in first place. Would just be back where I started and would have symptom management. Somewhat depressing but as I sit here typing I feel fine.
Grace is your device still in heart or did they get in and realize it wouldn’t work?
Sallie said:
I am seeing another cardiologist this tues although I should just get my records to the Cleveland Clinic even though they are 10 hours away. So much of what I read after the failed closure suggests that with the significant tricuspid regurgitation and stage 1 pulmonary hypertension closure is ill advised. I sure don't feel any improvement but seems my palpitations are diminished. Maybe it has started to close a bit. I really needed a break from all the MD appts and tests. My veins were tired out and being on coumadin arms were really bruised. Will let you know the plan. The pulmonary hypertension cardiologist said I would need OHS at which time the tricuspid valve would be repaired. I heard the gore helix devise could be removed by cath if tissue had not grown over. Worried it is getting past that point . Can't see why it should be there if it didn't close ASD and if closure was ill advised in first place. Would just be back where I started and would have symptom management. Somewhat depressing but as I sit here typing I feel fine.
Grace is your device still in heart or did they get in and realize it wouldn't work?
i was in the hospital in january to see if they could do it by catherter closure but ,when they put the endiscope down to position the device they did not thing there was enough rim to try closure so did not bother going into my grion to tryi was so disappionted i have other medical issuse ,i have only one kidney which only works 40 percent so i was hoping i could have avoided ohs but it was not to be ,so i see my cardiac surgeon this tuesday for a date for the operation,,i just want to get back some quality of life , used to walk 5 miles a day with my dogs not you are lucky if i can walk round the block .so fed up.grace.x
I wish you all the best! I know how you must be feeling. It is scary, but hopefully you will be on your way back. :)