Hello. I am 11 days post closure. I have been doing well and feeling great until last night. I was sitting and watching television, and my heart started to palpitate. I don't get the racing palpitations, I get the really hard-pounding beat. This is the first time this has happened and it lasted for about an hour. When it was over, I was drained and I still am today. Is this common? My followup appointment is Tuesday, but should I go in sooner?
my daughter, age 15, had asd closure device put in and it disslodged next day, same symptoms. Be careful and get checked out asap! God bless.
If you have not called. You should call and talk to your Doctor's office this morning. How do you feel now?
I agree, you should call your Doctor's office to go over the symptoms with them. I have had similar symptoms after my closure via open-heart surgery. I am on a beta-blocker to help with tachycardia but it doesn't help completely. I don't know what kind of closure procedure you had so I would call to make sure it isn't the device. Good luck and please let us know what you find out.
I called my doctor last night and he sent me to the hospital. Waiting to get a TEE this morning. Clots and stroke have been ruled out.
good advice sophie!
Good you called. I hope everything is ok.
I am home now. The device is fine. We don’t know why the palpitations, but the breathing is due to a chest cold (gotta love Wisconsin!). I will be home for a few days just to make sure, then back to work. Thank-you all for your concern. Talk soon, Wende.
I have never been a high blood preasure person l am always low,I had my closure Oct,9..they gave me a paper to tell me what to do but it never said a thing about what to do for what happened to me yesterday ,I had to get an ambulance,my heart rate BPM was 178 and my blood preasure went up to 145 over 101,it scared me and the ambulace guys,and the hospital in Lindsay has never had to deal with anyone with a closure before,today is Sunday and I can't reach anyone at toronto general that will talk to me.my follow up is in dec,now I am wondering also what to do.
Call your Cardiologist right away, please. Either your doctor, or an on-call doctor will be able to help you. I have never had HBP either, but the hole is part of what kept our pressure low. Right now, my BP is kind of inconsistent and has spiked at times when I’m resting, but your numbers require you to be monitored. Don’t call the hospital, please call your doctor.
Its Sunday and I can't reach no body,I went to the hospital and they sent me home when the BPM went down,,my doctor up north here dows not have a clue,,ha has already made on mistake by putting me on biaxin,so I will phone tomorrow when all offices open,,that is all I can do.
George, I sincerely apologize if I seem insensitive to your lack of resources. If you feel that a second opinion is warranted and can get to a different facility, you should do so. Just remember, the Cardiologist is the expert on the ASD, not the hospital, and YOU are the expert on your body. Like you, I never had extreme symptoms before my procedure (BP 100/78 & 55 BPM), but I have some now. I felt like a dummy for kicking up such a fuss over what seems to be a small chest cold, but I really had some breathing problems that scared me. Your problems could just be due to your heart still trying to get used to the device, residuals from having the procedure itself, or you could have something more going on. If you make the decision that you can wait, then try to take your mind off it so as to not get upset; otherwise, do what you can to be seen and tested.
George, before I found out I had this ASD I got A fib, V tach, and supraventricular tachycardia that comes on fast and goes away quickly,sometime vagal maneuvers help, but if it last a long time I would have to go to the emergency room to get a shot to stop it . There is nothing to take for it. I had two ablations one each for the V tach and A fib. The SVT might come back, it might not, so I decided to wait and see. I just could not face another ablation right then. Yes there is an ablation for that. The doctor that did the closure said that having the hole closed might help the last fast beat go away in time, but I might have a rough three months. I have not been bother with a lot of rapid heart beats. I seem to be skipping beats once in a while. I hope you do not have any more fast BPM today and tonight.
After boring you with all that the only thing I can offer is:
No caffeinated coffee and no alcohol. Quit tobacco use. Get more rest. Drink lots of water.
I hope you have good luck getting in touch with your doctor tomorrow.
George, I've been thinking of you. I hope you're okay.
Hi,I am Georges wife Sharney,I explained that on the first letter I sent,,its just we both use the same hotmail.I go to see my heart doctor tomorrow,but it scares me that my BPM get so high,and the blood presure so high,,I have always been a low blood presure person with a low heart rate,I am wondering if its my body getting use to this closure.Thanks for your concern,Hope your doing well,,I have my business I want to open up again,but I am afraid,,are you gone back to work yet.
Wendean said:
George, I've been thinking of you. I hope you're okay.
Hi Sharney. Sorry for the confusion. I go back to work tomorrow. I have begun to think the same thing. When you read the stories here, they have a pattern… We feel really good and then like crap. Don’t let it get you down. I was told by a friend that his wife’s BP went up after her closure too. Mine is kind of erratic, which is hard for me to accept. Like you I’ve always been low. Write down some questions and ask your doctor, so you know what you should and shouldn’t be concerned so much about, and why. My biggest concern has been shortness of breath and not coughing. I control the coughing, and if the SOB comes back, I head to the hospital. I hope you’ll be able to work again soon. Don’t push it though. Keep me posted on how you’re doing, and what the doctor says. I’ll look for you.
Sharney, I’ve been checking. How are things going?
Its going ok,,but now I am new pills to slow the heart down and other pills for high blood preasure something I neve had in my life,,so I guess time will tell,,Thank you for your concern,,so how r u doing with yours,do u have to take your blood preasure every day,,I had to buy a home one to keep track for the doctor,,its a real pain,now I wonder if it was the right thing to do getting the closure done.I do feel better but when the heart rate goes out of wack its scarey.
Wendean said:
Sharney, I've been checking. How are things going?
I think it’s incredibly important that we had it done. I had a stroke once, and I don’t want another. I cared for my mother for 11 years due to a stroke. This is only temporary. We will get better. My doctor says we should strive to do what we can to make sure this is the case. I argue with him all the time. He wants me on cholesterol meds because I’m 15 points over and I weigh too much, and even though my stroke had nothing to do with these things, he’s worried they will now. I have a feeling, I’ll be taking one more med by Wednesday, but I guarantee all of them will be temporary. Gone within the year. I don’t have international calling on my cell plan or I would love to call you, but we can always talk here.
I used to take my BP twice a day before I took my betablocker because it could be too low (below 90) for the med and I may pass out. It was too low once. Now I take it once a week. It’s averaging 110/78. Not terribly high, but higher than it ever was… The home machines ate very accurate.
Don’t give up Sharney. Start trying to get back to a normal life. Don’t ignore problems, but don’t let them stop your progress. Are you noticing any improvements? Is your energy better?
Yes my energy level is much better and I feel great,I feel like I can jump over the moon but I still get winded like I can't breath sometimes.,I find now since they put me on Diltiazem and propafenone.plus I take corestor asprin and warfarin and asprin,I feel like a pill factory.do u take that many pills also,,I had a stroke also but the doctors don't know when.so do u live in Ontario,I live in the kawartha lakes,,but was born in Newfoundland,but now my heart rate and blood pressure is 102 over 60 so I think that is to low now.I just want to be off these pills,I want to be able to have a glass on wine Chistmas time.but it looks like that won't happen,I don't go back to the surgeon til Jan 2nd,so time will tell.If u would like send me your name and number and I will call u.Have a great day.and Thank you for the support it feels good knowing someone is going trough the same thing as me.that way we both know what we r talking about.
Wendean said:
I think it's incredibly important that we had it done. I had a stroke once, and I don't want another. I cared for my mother for 11 years due to a stroke. This is only temporary. We will get better. My doctor says we should strive to do what we can to make sure this is the case. I argue with him all the time. He wants me on cholesterol meds because I'm 15 points over and I weigh too much, and even though my stroke had nothing to do with these things, he's worried they will now. I have a feeling, I'll be taking one more med by Wednesday, but I guarantee all of them will be temporary. Gone within the year. I don't have international calling on my cell plan or I would love to call you, but we can always talk here.
I used to take my BP twice a day before I took my betablocker because it could be too low (below 90) for the med and I may pass out. It was too low once. Now I take it once a week. It's averaging 110/78. Not terribly high, but higher than it ever was... The home machines ate very accurate.
Don't give up Sharney. Start trying to get back to a normal life. Don't ignore problems, but don't let them stop your progress. Are you noticing any improvements? Is your energy better?