Hello. New here

Hello all. I found out three weeks ago that I most likely have an ASD. I have the TEE test scheduled for later this week. I have no symptoms and discovered this by chance. I signed up to take part in a cardiac wellness check that included an Echo and four other tests to check cardiac health. I had an echo done in my early 20s when my family doctor thought my heart murmur was mitral valve prolapse. I received what I thought was an all clear on any heart issues at that time. I turn 50 this year and thought it would be great to have this done and get a clean bill of health, so it’s not exactly what I was expecting! It showed slight right heart enlargement and mild PH, but functions were all preserved or normal and my oxygen was 99%. I run, bike, work out, walk several blocks to work, take six flights of stairs a couple of times a day at work… nothing has pointed to any sort of heart or lung issues. I am most freaked out about the PH as my Dad had it and it contributed to his death, although he also had COPD/emphysema, kidney disease and sleep apnea. I know PH has a hereditary component to it, but my cardiologist thinks that with the host of other problems my Dad had, mine is most likely not the same, and says it’s possible for the PH pressures to return to normal once the ASD is fixed. Has anyone else experienced this? I also experience occassional (2-3 times a year) visual auras without the migraine pain, which started in my 20s after a bout of double vision. My cardiologist thinks that all might be related and that the double vision could have been a TIA/mini stroke. I find this all incredibly frightening and fascinating, but I’m mostly grateful that I will hopefully be able to have it fixed before any damage can occur. I am counting my blessings in between the bouts of anxiety, lol. Looking forward to checking this site for more information. Thank you for reading.

Hello Cardinal, Welcome here. I read you post and want you to know that the ASD procedure is quite simple and according to my doctors and internet research it has a high success rate.
Cant comment on the rest of what you have shared but seems like your dad had a lot of complications which made it hard on him as you rightly say. I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery. Do update us here. Best regards Ashish

Thank you for the encouraging words, I really appreciate it. I had the TEE test yesterday. Hole is confirmed, doctor said it’s “small” but I don’t remember him saying any specific size- I was still coming out from the sedation. I am a little concerned as on the note he gave me, it says the blood is shunting both ways- right to left and left to right. I need to get off of Google as it mentions Eisenmergers Syndrome. I have the procedure scheduled for May 10th. It can’t get here soon enough! Thanks again for the response.

Hi Cardinal,

Eisenmergers Syndrome is a possibility not a certainty. You must google as one is curious and we always come away with more questions after a doctor visit as its not possible to get all answers on the spot as a lot of questions come up as we think more about the conversation we had just had. Since you worry about ES please take a little time to read and assure yourself or atleast write a few questions to clarify with your doctor/ here on your next visit. But yes, one must stop googling if one is not comfortable with it. There is a lot of information out there and not all of it is accurate and there are conflicting opinions too. Lol.

The flow you refer to is called shunting I think and if your arteries to the lungs are fine (as the 2d echo might have indicated) then you probably are not at risk for ES. Else you doctor would have mentioned something about it. The procedure actually stops this from happening I think.

10th May is just around the corner and before you know it, the whole thing will be done and all should be well.

One thing I must share is that the device should be the same size as the hole and not larger and definitely cant be smaller as it wont fit. Dont know if the doctor will discuss this and you should not compel them if they dont. I was informed about the size of the hole but they selected the device on their own and did not share information about it with me or I dont remember perhaps.