New member introduction Nancy

Posted on behalf of @Nancy

Hi everyone. This is my first time posting on here. On November 9 of this year, I was at work and unfortunately suffered a CVA. My only prior medical history was of migraines. Thank goodness I work in a hospital and they were able to get me to CT scan quickly. Doctors couldn’t understand why someone with no other medical history could have a CVA. Had a TEE which showed a very large PFO which no one knew I had. Had a Loop recorder inserted also. Had it repaired on December 7 and was discharged same day. I woke up the following morning in a RAF and was admitted and placed on Cardizem. Since the repair I haven’t felt well. I have complaints of chest pressure always, shortness of breath, dizziness and palpitations l Went to see a doctor yesterday who specializes in the electrical pathways of the heart. He said I am having a lot of extra beats that they will try to control with medications and if not, there are other procedures they can try. Has anyone else had any of these problems after their repair?