Hello to all :) I am so glad I found this site. So, my story ... Since I was 19 I had migraine with aura (more often with oral contraceptives, now about 2 times per year). I am now 28. I went on an regular echo (by myself) to asure that everything is ok with my heart. I told my cardiologyst about my fear of having a hole in my heart, so he tried to find it but he could not confirm it. Another dr saw a possible sinus venosus with left-to right shunt. Another three dr's did't see it. They said a tee would be neccessary. I also had tcd with bubble study (at rest there was grade 1, at valsalva maneveur there was grade three). They said it is possible a PFO. But I am scared that it is pfo and sinus venosus. I read that such asd type is very hard to see with regular echo or tee, so mri is better option. Do you think I can have only mr (pay by myself) and nottee (i have a real phobia). Had anyone cardiac mri? My heart is not enlarged, left and right atria measure almost the same. I have sometimes a fast heartbit but only when I0m stressfull and doing someting. I also feel weird feelinf in my chest (like anxiety), as someone would sit on my tummy or chest (I never experienced this until I didn't found out about the possible hole). Has anyone some experiences with sinus venosus?
Hi, I had and MRI and a TEE, both can detect a Sinus Venous Atrial Septal defect, If you have a Sinus Venous they will check to make sure your pulmonary veins are not going the wrong way. It's called Anomalous pulmonary veins, this is a very important fact for Sinus Venous defects. It means the hole must be closed at the same time they fix the veins. If you have anomalous pulmonary veins and close the hole without fixing those veins it could cause serious complications. In the realm of congenital heart disease this condition if you have it, is not that serious but complicated to fix. That is why and I can't emphasize this enough see a congenital heart doctor if you learn you have it and want to have it fixed, I had the operation two years ago and feel so much better.
Thank you but i have a strong fear about tee. So mri is a possibility and it is non invasive. No my left atrium is a little larger than.righ atrium. So the defect i hope is not verylarge. What do you think?
Have ASD that was fixed in 2012 by Gore Helex. I have 3 children. I am 60.
I have had one heart MRI it was looking for heart damage. Lasted forever, I did not mind the tube or the noise. The damage the doctor thought he would find was not there.
I have had 2 TEEs. I was awake for the first one, but with the second one they knocked me out. Really no big deal at all. Both tests were paid for by my insurance. I am lucky to have insurance.
I do not know which test would be the best for you. I do know that a TEE is so much better than an Echo. One Echo I had showed the ASD, before that Echo I had 3 Echoes that showed nothing. I also had an Echo that showed valve damage and the Gore Helex leaking, but there was no damage or leaking when the TEE was done.
I do not mean to say that you should not be worried about having a TEE. I am just saying that as a person who has had 1 ablation for afib, 1 Gore Helex heart patch put in place, 2 TEEs, and 3 ablations for PVCs that a TEE is not so bad.
1Cardiology Department, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, 8901 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20889, USA.
2Radiology Department, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, 8901 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20889, USA.
Sinusvenosusatrial septal defects (SV-ASD) have nonspecific clinical presentations and represent a diagnostic imaging challenge. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) remains the initial diagnostic imaging modality. However, detection rates have been as low as 12%. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) improves diagnostic accuracy though it may not detect commonly associated partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (PAPVR). Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging provides a noninvasive, highly sensitive and specific imaging modality of SV-ASD. We describe a case of an adult male with exercise-induced, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia who presented with palpitations and dyspnea. Despite nondiagnostic imaging results on TTE, CMR proved to be instrumental in visualizing a hemodynamically significant SV-ASD with PAPVR that ultimately led to surgical correction.